Lake Superior Coffee Tour Lacks Michigan StopsLake Superior Coffee Tour Lacks Michigan StopsYou would think with Lake Superior's shoreline touching Michigan's Upper Peninsula a coffee tour would have a lot more Michigan stops.Tommy CarrollTommy Carroll
640 Pounds of Cocaine Nearly Made it Into Michigan640 Pounds of Cocaine Nearly Made it Into MichiganA semi-trailer filled with cocaine came close to making it into Michigan this week but a flaw in the paperwork led to customs searching the trailer.Tommy CarrollTommy Carroll
All Michigan Yoopers Live Further North Than Half of all CanadiansAll Michigan Yoopers Live Further North Than Half of all CanadiansDid you know that many Michiganders live further North than 50% of all Canadian residents?Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Happy Birthday Gary (Geddy) Lee!Happy Birthday Gary (Geddy) Lee!One of the most underrated musicians everJoey PantsJoey Pants