Whitmer Signs Order To Help RentersWhitmer Signs Order To Help RentersAs every commercial has said since the beginning of COVID, "during these hard times, we are all in this together."Nathan VandenburgNathan Vandenburg
Gov Whitmer Extends Executive Order That Prevents EvictionsGov Whitmer Extends Executive Order That Prevents EvictionsThe extension is for long, but give people affected by the pandemic some time to figure out what's next.Rob SparksRob Sparks
Jackson County Says They Will Not Be Funding Whitmer’s OrdersJackson County Says They Will Not Be Funding Whitmer’s OrdersA resolution passed by the county's Board of Commissioners, money will not be allocated to enforcing new executive orders in terms of a return to "normal." Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Wharton Center Cancels More Wicked Dates But Not AllWharton Center Cancels More Wicked Dates But Not AllThe Governor's executive order has put a stop to more performances of Wicked at The Wharton Center.LargeLarge