A Handful of Jackson-Area One-Room Schoolhouses Still StandingA Handful of Jackson-Area One-Room Schoolhouses Still StandingHere's a look at 26 old one-roomers still standing in the Jackson area - some preserved, others just sitting empty...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
An Inside Look at Stagecoach Stop: Irish Hills, MichiganAn Inside Look at Stagecoach Stop: Irish Hills, MichiganNot abandoned, just sitting empty most of the time... So in the meantime, here's an inside look...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
100 Years of Amusements: Irish Hills, Michigan – 1924-2024100 Years of Amusements: Irish Hills, Michigan – 1924-2024It was 1924 when the Irish Hills began their family amusements - gone, but still fondly remembered. Here are some photos going back to the 1920s...John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Eating and Exploring Around Brooklyn, Michigan: Taste of the Irish HillsEating and Exploring Around Brooklyn, Michigan: Taste of the Irish HillsThe historic Irish Hills of Michigan are such a special place, this September you can take your own personal "foodie tour" for a whole weekend of food and fun.Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle