Joe Elliott Spent Tour in Isolation Joe Elliott Spent Tour in Isolation Def Leppard singer holed up in his tour bus as "price of doing business in 2022."Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Hear Joe Elliott Team With Ghost on New Version of ‘Spillways’Hear Joe Elliott Team With Ghost on New Version of ‘Spillways’Def Leppard frontman and Swedish metal group share a mutual admiration. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Joe Elliott Saw Career ‘Flashing Before My Eyes’ in 1993Joe Elliott Saw Career ‘Flashing Before My Eyes’ in 1993He decided Def Leppard could continue for as long as they wanted to at homecoming show during grunge era.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Joe Elliott Says Def Leppard Survived 15-Year ‘Losing Battle’Joe Elliott Says Def Leppard Survived 15-Year ‘Losing Battle’Singer looks back at the band's 21st-century struggles.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Hear Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott, Phil Collen Guest With the StrutsHear Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott, Phil Collen Guest With the StrutsVeterans appear on new track “I Hate How Much I Want You” from newcomers' upcoming album ‘Strange Days.’Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Slash, Joe Elliott and Nikki Sixx Release Drug-Awareness SongSlash, Joe Elliott and Nikki Sixx Release Drug-Awareness SongSixx:A.M. track “Maybe It’s Time” will feature in new movie about opioid crisis.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Joe Elliott Recalls Five-Month Struggle to Save His VoiceJoe Elliott Recalls Five-Month Struggle to Save His VoiceDef Leppard singer says his doctor mentioned retirement in 2016.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Watch Sammy Hagar and Joe Elliott Talk About Being FiredWatch Sammy Hagar and Joe Elliott Talk About Being FiredVan Halen ex exchanges experiences with Def Leppard frontman in clip from ‘Rock & Roll Road Trip’ episode.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Joe Elliott Is in Support of a Def Leppard BiopicJoe Elliott Is in Support of a Def Leppard BiopicIt would make everyone forget about the biopic made about them in 2001.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
Joe Elliott Says New Def Leppard Music Is ‘Not That Important’Joe Elliott Says New Def Leppard Music Is ‘Not That Important’Singer reports band is writing material, but ticket sales prove more people want live shows.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty