MICHIGAN SMALL TOWNS: A Tale of Two FultonsMICHIGAN SMALL TOWNS: A Tale of Two FultonsTwo Michigan towns named 'Fulton'.....one is an old mining town, the other is headquarters for a Native American tribe. Check 'em out!John RobinsonJohn Robinson
The Legend of Irish Hollow CemeteryThe Legend of Irish Hollow CemeteryThis graveyard is not without its legend.....info is here.John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Mines & Deserted Neighborhoods of Negaunee, 1880s-1900sMines & Deserted Neighborhoods of Negaunee, 1880s-1900sThe original miner town of Negaunee has been swallowed up and demolished, except for some foundations and stairsteps that go to nowhere.....John RobinsonJohn Robinson
Abandoned, Old Structures in the Michigan Mining Town of GayAbandoned, Old Structures in the Michigan Mining Town of GayThe Michigan town of Gay is almost a ghost town, with plenty of abandoned structures, old mill ruins and more. This is a photo op paradise...See for yourself!John RobinsonJohn Robinson