I don't know how a bowling alley, or golf simulator is going to help Michigan win football games, but nevertheless, they have it in their new home locker room!
Harbaugh has taken his annual NFL flirtation to a new level this year, meeting with the Denver Broncos two weeks after informing them and the rest of the world that he loved Michigan best.
Widening the Big House tunnel doesn't hurt. But it also doesn't address the real issues that have made that particular piece of real estate such a hot topic lately.
Edwards was so good as Michigan's top option after Corum got hurt that many wondered if the Wolverines had been featuring the right running back all along.
Michigan captain Mazi Smith has been charged with a felony gun offense. So when can I expect to see the think pieces in the Detroit papers about U-M's cultural problems?
Professional Michigan ass-kisser John U. Bacon has published a series of anonymous Michigan employees' firsthand accounts of MSU players' and coaches' conduct, and it's awfully transparent.
An LA-based lawyer retained by one of the suspended MSU players says eyewitness reporting proves a Michigan player started the fight in the Big House tunnel by swinging a helmet and throwing a punch first.