Take A Look At This Castle In Jackson You Could Own For $529K
If you have always dreamed of grandeur or maybe you just enjoy a beautiful, cozy, cottage-y type of vibe, this is the place for you.
This home truly looks like it is from some far-off fantasy land and it is beautiful.
I actually used to pass by it all the time, seeing the top of the tower poking through the trees, I always envisioned what it was like on the inside. Now that it has hit the market, I am fulfilling a curiosity I have had since I was a child and I invite you all to join me!
Located on Draper Road in Jackson, near Jackson College, the castle holds five bedrooms. three bathrooms within its 2,000 square-foot walls. There is also 20 acres featuring beautiful gardens and miles of nature trails.
There is also a spiral staircase leading up the tower, just in case you forgot, THIS PLACE IS A CASTLE!
So, without further adieu, let's take a peek inside.
Castle For Sale In Jackson
Now, ever since I got a closer look at this place, my mind has not stopped wandering.
You can check out more pictures and the full listing on Zillow, and if you are really feeling adventurous (or have an extra $529K lying around) you can also make sure to book a tour!

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