The Best, Safe Ways To Deal With Bees in Lansing
Our family moved into a new home recently and we love it. It was built in 1957 and has that mid century charm. As we continue to get to know our home better we are discovering some things that come with homeownership. From floods to bees we've been pretty busy in the five weeks we have lived there.
While floods and bees might be a turn off for most, we have embraced the scenario and are grateful that we have these homeowner problems. They are OUR problems.
We have been working a lot in the yard to get it cleaned up. While the previous owner didn't do much fall clean up, we are doing it now and uncovering some interesting things like deflated soccer balls, deflated basketballs, a Wii fit disc, lawn gloves that must have fallen off when the previous owners gave up on cleaning up their lawn and about two dozen golf balls. We have also uncovered some ground hives for ground bees.
The University of New Hampshire says this about ground bees:
Although ground nesting bees are equipped to sting, they will only do so under extreme provocation. In essence, their presence is more of a nuisance than a real threat. Ground nesting bees like to nest in areas with sandy, well-drained soil and limited vegetation.
While they are not prone to stinging, they are annoying and they swarm everyewhere near their hive. This weekend I bought some bee spray and sprayed the hive. While it helped some I had an epiphany and thought about better ways to git rid of the bee issue without killing them.
My wife and I had been told about this remedy and we did some research on it. Our research? We went all in and applied the remedy to the hive and around the vicinity. Our simple remedy that is environmentally safe and won't kill the bees is CINNAMON.
This is backed up by Recycle Nation and they say:
Spreading cinnamon in areas that bees frequent is a great way to drive them off. You do have to make sure to do it daily for at least a week, but it will have a lasting effect.
Try the environmentally safe way to relocate your bees, I wish I had done more research before I sprayed chemicals.