The Greatest Michigan Concert Venue
Trying to remember normal and had a lot of concert flashbacks hit me during quarantine.
It's crazy to say, some of the best shows I ever saw in Lansing, were at Common Ground. I missed out on the Legendary Lansing Civic Center. I got to see one show a the Silver Dollar Saloon and it was watered down by then. It was King Diamond and I don't know if I had too much to drink but I thought it was more funny that scary theater. Saw some amazing shows at Macs Bar too.
The first show I saw was at the Palace of Auburn Hills and it was AC/DC. The Palace had some pretty good sound and I saw some great bands there. Tom Petty, Rush,The Foo Fighters, Pantera, White Zombie, Limp Bizkit and Rage Against the Machine. One of my friends passed out at Rush and I never let him hear the end of it. I will never live down the Limp Bizkit. I put it in there for a laugh and likely the last time they will get mentioned in a great band lineup :)
Pine Knob is still a favorite place to go.
I also saw them at the Phoenix Center in Pontiac. A GREAT place to see a show.
I saw Cheap Trick at the Michigan Theater in Jackson. They played so loud stuff was falling off the ceiling.
One of the great places to see a show in Michigan is Saint Andrews Hall. That place was like out of the movie The Lost Boys. It had as much character as any band that ever played there.
The Bling Pig in Ann Arbor is pretty awesome too. It's so intimate. Meaning, tight.
I think the Palace is the winner for me. Pine Knob comes in a close second. Everyone has special music memories somewhere. What venue holds a special place with you?