The Loss Of A Jackson, MI Radio Legend: Jamie McKibbin
As a radio personality and as a kid growing up in Jackson, Michigan, I can honestly say the loss of Jamie McKibbin is a tough one.
I know it's a different radio station, different area, different everything but I grew up listening to K105.3 in Jackson and I honestly think hearing Jamie Mckibbin ("Big Dog") every morning and I realize now, that is what planted the seeds for me to get into radio.
Yesterday, news broke of his unfortunate, untimely passing (click here for the story) and it got me thinking about just what a legend this man was.
Already a celebrity in the Jackson area, I don't need to tell you about all of his accomplishments (there are many), but I remember listening to him in the backseat of my mom's car on the way to school thinking he is the coolest person ever, doing the coolest job ever.
I got emotionally attached and invested into his and his cohosts' lives. I made sure to tune in on my birthday to hear him announce it. When I saw the K105.3 tent at the Jackson Hot Air Jubilee I asked where he was and was informed he would be there later but could leave him a note.
Over the years, my schedule changed, my taste in radio stations changed, my address even changed as I ventured to study multimedia journalism at GVSU, thinking I would be a writer.
Little did I know my path would lead me to radio and I can not help but think, in light of recent events, that Jamie McKibbin was the one to plant that seed in a young girl's brain.
I don't say all of this to make his passing about me in any way. However, when the radio world loses another legendary broadcaster, you stop and think.
Jamie McKibbin was such a positive light in my life growing up and is absolutely a major part of what set me on the path I am on today. It makes you think of all the people who had these major impacts on your life, though they never even knew it.
My heart goes out to all those close with Jamie. His friends, his family, his colleagues and all those who may have similar stories to mine.
It is a sad day in Jackson, today.