Summer is winding down in Michigan and kids are headed back to school soon. There's still time to get out and enjoy the summer with the fam. Check out five awesome things to do this weekend in the Lansing area.
JazzFest Michigan
If you are looking for live music get to Old Town for the 29th annual JazzFest Michigan, taking place 8/2 thru 8/5. Old Town is an amazing historic district in Lansing that offers up some tasty food options too.
Tracy Byrd In Concert
Head out to the Ingham County Fair on Friday night for Tracy Byrd. Tracy Byrd became a household name on the Country Music Scene in 1993 when his third single, called "Holdin' Heaven", off of his MCA Records, self-titled debut album, hit #1 on the Billboard Country Charts. Other hits include "10 Rounds with Jose Quervo", "Watermelon Crawl" and "I'm from the Country". Opening act will start at 730, Tracy Byrd will start at 830. Admission into Grandstand will start at 6pm. Ages 2 and under are free. 3 years and older need a ticket. Grab an elephant ear, corn dog a lemondade and enjoy the show.
Lansing Love & Hiking Date For Couples (Self-Guided)
This event is taking place Saturday and Sunday from 10a-4p at Granger Meadows Park (recommended venue or other trail of your choice), 1745 Granger Meadows Lane, Lansing, MI. It sounds like fun and there will be digital activites to enjoy on your hike. Sounds like an adult Pokemon Go.
Sounds Of Summer Concert Series at Lake Lansing
Head out to Lake Lansing South for FREE live music this Friday night starting at 7pm with one of mid Michigan's favorites, Global Village. Parking and entry is free, the music is free. Vending is available.
Lansing Royal Princess Ball
This takes place on Sunday from noon - 3:30pm at the Marriott in downtown East Lansing. Get ready for a day of magical fun for the whole family! You'll get an amazing opportunity to meet and greet your favorite characters! Your little one will get to participate in princess games, story time sing along, learn some ballroom dance moves and more.