This Covid-19 Face Mask Costs $1.5 Million Dollars
They say you can't put a price on safety.
According to the folks at Yvel (an Israeli jewelry maker/designer), yes...yes you can. And it's $1.5 million dollars.
Let's hope you get what you pay for.
It's being called the most expensive covid-19 face mask ever made. And it was one of the conditions for it being made.

The identity of the person who commissioned the piece is being kept a secret. But we do know he is a Chinese businessman who resides in the States. And he had a set of criteria for his mask.
It had to be N99, approved by the FDA and European standards.
It had to be done and delivered by December 31st.
And the had to be the most expensive face mask in the world. (Bloomberg QuickTake News)
Let's look at the specs that make it the most expensive.
It's an 18-karat-gold face mask encrusted with 3,600 natural diamonds. Weighing 270 grams and costing $1.5 million, it’s simultaneously the most expensive and one of the least comfortable masks in the world. (Israel21C)
270 grams. That's about half a pound. And it seems more for showing off than serving a practical purpose.
And it is.
See, the guy who's commissioned the piece doesn't even plan to wear it. He is having it made as a showpiece to help Yvel weather these difficult times. (Israel21C)
And that requirement of it being done by December 31st. It's going to be done way ahead of schedule. According to the folks at Yvel, it'll be done by the end of October.
And I'm thinking this will get our friend a spot on one of my favorite TV shows.
Have you ever seen "Most Expensivest" on Vice with 2 Chainz?
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