Watch Queen: Now That is How You Open the Oscars
I REALLY didn't want to watch the Oscars last night but I REALLY wanted to see Queen. So, the wife and I put on Bohemian Rhapsody and forgot all about it. This is what I love a lot about the internet. You almost CAN'T miss anything anymore.
Bohemian Rhapsody ended up winning 4 Oscars last night including Best Actor for Rami Malek. The sound won a bunch of awards too and it makes sense if you saw the movie. You are rocking in your seat for half of it and clinched up the other half.
I thought Rami was great but the guy playing Brian May, Gwilym Lee WAS Brian May. He won the movie for me.
Speaking of Brian May, he opened the show last night like he was shot out of a cannon. White hair looking beautiful under those lights. The guitar, sounding as wonderful as ever. If you missed it. I won't go into criticizing Adam Lambert... I am sure you will see that in the comments.
Even Wayne and Garth reunited.
This blog would not be complete without the GREATEST LIVE PERFORMANCE EVER!