Which Michigan Colleges Will Be “In-Person” This Fall?
Just to show that rumors are just that - rumors, I had the distinct feeling that most of the Michigan colleges and universities were going to start the fall semester by having online classes only. In fact, I've been telling everyone, "I don't think we'll have any college football this fall, because I don't think they'll have any kids on campus - and the NCAA wants kids on campus before they play any sports." Looks like I'm wrong. This would not be the first time.

According to CrainsDetroit, of the colleges and universities in Michigan who have announced their intentions for this fall, ALL of them are planning on "some level of in-person instruction in the fall". The big ones, Michigan State and Michigan, have yet to announce their plans, but they appear to be planning on having at least some in-person classes.
Is the fear of getting the coronavirus overblown? I'd be surprised if so many schools believed they were about to take a huge gamble on people getting sick, just to play football. But, the two schools who have the most to lose by NOT opening their campus until January and NOT playing football, haven't yet committed to in-person classes.
KEEP READING: See how sports around the world have been impacted by the coronavirus
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