WMMQ St. Patrick’s Day At The Claddaugh Cancelled
With the recent news of Governor Whitmer's decision to close bars and restaurants at 3 p.m. today, we will not be out and about tomorrow.
I know we were all excited to get out there and pass on the St. Paddy's spirit but ultimately we are thankful for The Claddaugh for keeping health and safety in mind.
We were all a little nervous as the date drew closer, even switching around plans for myself and Nick Chase to be the ones to go out and spend the morning with all of you but were still excited.
While we are still a bit uncertain of what is to come, we are working to try to get something planned at The Claddaugh once the COVID-19 concerns calm down.
As always, we hope everyone has a happy and healthy St. Patrick's Day and you can still tune in tomorrow from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. to catch Joey and Maitlynn's sham-rocking shenanigans!