WMMQ Van Vandalized by Varmints
WMMQ Sales Guy Brian Hatcher stopped by the studio recently to ask about the story Joey and I had a while back about a 25 year old guy who came back from a vacation to find his car stuffed with hundreds of pounds of nuts, courtesy, presumably, of a squirrel who thought had found the perfect stash spot.
I didn't remember the story (but found it here online).
The reason he asked was because there were nut shells littered in front of the WMMQ van the day before and he thought maybe we were pulling a prank. No, pranks require too much planning and neither Joey Pants or I tend possess such skills.
I suggested that before he took the WMMQ van to Liskey's for an oil change, he might take a look under the hood to see what he could see, which turned out to be a mess of squirrel snack shells and sawdust left behind.