There are enough people talking about the asshats of the world. I am sick of negativity and politoxicity! The world needs balance and I hope to provide some good balance with these posts.

Up Next on the Good People list is: Brent Morse and Morse Heritage Coin Rings.

Morse Heritage Coin Jewelry

He makes rings out of coins. Cufflinks out of coins. Some have some fun foul language. Some are VERY patriotic. He even makes some out of the state quarters. These are some BADASS rings. Their official wording:

Skillfully handcrafted vintage and modern day coins into heirloom quality coin ring jewelry, suitable for any age and gender.

Brent's story on Facebook:

He is getting some positive feedback.

It seems like he is just getting going so it's a great time to give him some free publicity. Buy local! Support local! Support Good People.

If there is someone you would like to see get some free publicity in Good People... Shoot me a note


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