Get It On With The Best Oysters in Lansing!
Today is National Oysters Rockefeller Day. Why not dive into something different? Who has the best oysters in Lansing?
I've always heard that oysters are a aphrodisiac. For those that don't know what "aphrodisiac" means, here you go, according to Merriam-Webster:
an agent (such as a food or drug) that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire
They say that oysters can get ya in the "mood". I've eaten plenty of oysters in my life and not once has it been an aphrodisiac for me. It might effect individuals differently so proceed with caution.
Oysters are an aquired taste. Sometimes the hardest part about trying new food is mustering the courage to try it. There's nothing intimidating about trying a slimy sea creature. Saracasm aside, it's a tasty food and I do prefer my oysters cooked, Rockefeller style.
If you're new to trying oysters, Rockefeller might be the way to go for you. Wikidpedia describes Oysters Rockefeller as:
Oysters Rockefeller consists of oysters on the half-shell that have been topped with a rich sauce of butter, parsley and other green herbs, and bread crumbs, then baked or broiled. Lemon wedges are the typical garnish.
What's stopping you from trying an oyster slathered in butter, herbs and other tasty items. I like my Rockefeller with garlic.
I've tried raw oysters many times. The taste and consistency are good for me, however, try the Rockefellers to start.
Best Oysters in Lansing
The Ocean Crab - 727 E Miller Rd Lansing, MI 48911
EnVie - 210 S Washington Sq Lansing, MI 48933
The Creole Burger Bar and Creole Kitchen - 1218 Turner St Lansing, MI 48906
Mitchell's Fish Market - 2975 Preyde Blvd Lansing, MI 48912
Henry's Place - 4926 Marsh Rd Okemos, MI 48864
Crazycrab - 3700 S Waverly Rd Ste F Lansing, MI 48911
Fresh Fish & Fry - 3140 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Lansing, MI 48910
Capital Prime - 2324 Showtime Dr Lansing, MI 48912
King Crab Cajun Seafood - 3218 S Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Lansing, MI 48910
The Tangy Crab - 7433 W Saginaw Hwy Lansing, MI 48917