Bringing The Heat: Is Dry Heat Better Than Humidity?
As we experience the same kind of heat and sunshine for days on end, it makes for a great Michigan summer but something's missing.
MLive reports that while the weather is absolutely bringing the heat, it is not bringing humidity with it!
Now in different areas of the country, even different areas of the state, we all have different viewpoints as to what constitutes a "heat wave", but MLive says, "By the time we get to the end of next week, most Michigan cities will have had at least five days in a row in the low-to-mid 90s" so that counts for something, right?
With high humidity not necessarily in the picture for this "heat wave" we can get a better understanding of what people mean in states like Arizona, when they say the ever-famous "yeah, but it's a dry heat."
What makes a dry heat so different from the humidity? Is it better? Depends on who you ask.
On humid days, the air feels a lot heavier, you feel sticky and it actually makes the heat index feel hotter. That's why sometimes an 80 degree day can feel like a 90 degree one.
There are a few plus-sides to humidity, though, like the fact that fans are more helpful in cooling you off and it's a bit better for your plants to have that extra bit of moisture in the air.
With a "dry heat" it's not the complete absence of humidity but there is significantly less of it. It makes a hot day more enjoyable as you are not feeling like you are swimming through the air. It's just warm and sunny.
"Dry Heat" according to Fun Times Guide "Weather 101" is even good for better health! If your exercise regimen is more outdoorsy, a dry heat is definitely better for getting some fitness in as humidity actually makes it harder for your sweat to evaporate.
Some people even attribute humidity to adding to their joint pain related to arthritis and osteoporosis so a dry heat helps them stay active and feel better.
What do you think? If we're going to have heat, would you prefer a dry heat or can you just not wait for the cool, crispness of fall?
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