Did You See That? Cougar Stalks Hiker (PROFANITY)
It gets pretty creepy this time of year as the dark set in. As the leaves fall and you take steps outside, sometimes it sounds like someone is following you. You sense, someone is watching you. It can raise the hair on the back of your neck and increase your walking speed.
Have you ever had a cougar stalking you? I am not talking about the lady at the end of the bar making eyes at you because it's close to closing time. A real life cougar out in the wild? It happened in Utah a few days ago. WARNING! There is profanity in the video. For 6 minutes this cougar toyed with this guy.
I was laughing because IT DIDN'T happen to me! The sounds the dude was making, you could tell he honestly thought his life was in danger. I thought the cougar was just toying with him. The guy is big but imagine if it was a smaller child? Would the cougar have pounced?
The Michigan DNR has confirmed 6 different cougar sighting in Michigan just this year. Since 2008 they have spotted 55 cougars in Michigan but only in the lower peninsula. Click here to see that.