Do You Have A Post Pandemic Bucket List of Things You Want To Do When It’s Safe?
After the year we have all been through, in and out of lockdowns, it seems a little strange to now think about living in a world without a Covid-19 pandemic. In the past year we have all learned the meaning of quarantine, and how vital it is that we wear a mask around others, social distancing, and quickly having the desire for what used to be normal.
With vaccines now rolling out all over the country, as well as becoming available to more and more people, some have begun to talk about a post-pandemic life -- words we couldn’t imagine uttering (much less living) just a few months ago.
But here we are, 107 million doses of vaccine in arms since December 14th. And the vaccines are ramping up fast giving us hope for the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, promises can’t be made, this virus has a mind of its own. But it appears like it could be a reality, since Biden has asked states to open up vaccines to all ages by May, and by then the U.S. will have enough to vaccinate everyone.
Last year my wife and I were on our way to New Orleans for vacation, on our second day of traveling by car the pandemic was declared. Two days later everything was closed or cancelled. We just came back home and haven’t left since.
So here’s the big daring question: What would be on your bucket list post pandemic? Thinking about traveling, or visiting family. Or maybe you are anxious to get back to work to see your co-workers and out of the house for a while. Some may be thinking about going to a movie, or a live concert. Some are thinking about going back to school to see classmates again. Everyone of every age group has been affected by this pandemic.
I’m sure we’ve all thought about life after Covid-19, getting back to a normal life doing normal things again. Because the past year has been anything but normal for all of us. Let’s hope that day comes soon, because we really need it.