Do You Have An Emergency Plan/Kit Ready at Your House?
As Hurricane Harvey wreaks havoc on Texas and Louisiana - and thinking about the flooding that hit Bay, Gladwin, Isabella and Midland Counties north of here this past June - I'm feeling like My Honey and I need some sort of emergency plan and/or kit. And maybe flood insurance, which is not cheap, but we've debated a couple different times.
Based on what's reported here in the Detroit Free Press, it appears that if the federal government does declare a disaster where you live, they'll "make funds available to residents and business owners for temporary housing, repairs and low-cost loans to cover uninsured property loss."
So just off the top of my head, I'm thinking maybe a dry bag for a radio, phones, chargers, change of clothes, flashlights, some cash, birth certificates/passports, personal care items, first aid kit, pet carriers, pet food...I know - it's a little overwhelming. has a good plan here that you can customize to your specific needs.