The reputation of the water in Michigan will never be the same after Flint. Now, officials are warning folks not to touch the foam coming off the water in Michigan because it's toxic and could make you sick. Click here for the full story. 

Michigan Health officials warn, ANYONE who touches foam from perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) should wash it off. The concern is inadvertently transferring the chemicals into a person’s mouth while eating. I can hear Deb Hart screaming "wash your hands!"

The story says:

The industrial compounds have been used in many products. They can get into drinking water when products containing the chemicals are spilled onto the ground or in lakes or rivers.

Like someone illegally dumping them? Like Michigan is the nex toxic waste dumping ground?

It's a comforting thought as the lake season is about to begin. Keep your eyes out for water foam.



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