If you thought Game of Thrones' Red Wedding was brutal, just wait until you see all of the characters that didn't make it through The Battle of Winterfell during the Season 8, Episode 3 (70) on Sunday, April 28.

Since Game of Thrones is ending this season, showrunnera naturally had to torture fans with a few more fan-favorite deaths during its final run. (Fun fact: The battle was so epic in scale that HBO filmed 11 weeks of night shoots in Ireland just for this one episode!)

Below, find out who died during The Battle of Winterfell on Game of Thrones.

***Beware: Spoilers to come!***

Alive and kicking... for now:

Jon Snow
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Danenerys Targaryen
Lord Varys
Tyrion Lannister
Yohn Royce
Der Davos Seaworth
Jaime Lannister
Bran Stark
Ser Brienne of Tarth
Tormund Giantsbane
Podrick Payne
The Hound
Grey Worm
Samwell Tarly
Drogon and Rhaegal

Killed in the Battle of Winterfell:

Eddison Tollett — impaled by Whitewalker after saving Sam Tarly
Lady Lyanna Mormont — crushed by giant Whitewalker
Beric Dondarrion — mauled by Whitewalkers
Most of the Dothraki army — killed by Whitewalkers in battle
Theon Greyjoy — impaled by the Night King
Ser Jorah Mormont — succumbed to multiple battle wounds while defending Daenerys
Night King — stabbed by Arya Stark using dragonglass or Valyrian steel blade
Viserion — killed instantly upon the Night King's death
Whitewalkers — fallen dead upon the Night King's death
Melisandre (a.k.a the Red Woman) — rapidly aged after willingly removing her magical necklace at the end of battle
Misc. Winterfall citizens — massacred by reanimated corpses in the Winterfell crypts

Heartbreaking TV Deaths

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