Giving it up for Lent: What Sacrifice Will You Make This Lenten Season?
It's Ash Wednesday. The first day of Lent, beginning six weeks of penitence before Easter. There are some things to beware of on this day.
1) Your Coworker may be grouchy. When we were kids, we said "we were giving something up for lent." Then, on Easter you indulge in what you gave up. This keeps the baby Jesus from crying and helps punch your ticket into the Pearly Gates. In reality, the Lenten Sacrifice as defined by the scholars at Wikipedia (donate ya cheapskate) as a pleasure or luxury that most Christians give up for the liturgical season. Some people try fasting. I will rip your head clean off if I don't eat so... Gonna pass on that.
2) Resist the urge to say "You got some crap on your forehead" to ANYONE. Those are ashes of those who smite the Lord! Nah, really it's just the ashes of left over palm leaves from Palm Sunday. That is the Sunday before Easter... (You reading this, God?) You are supposed to leave the ashes on all day as a sign of your repentance. Remember that YOU ARE DUST and to dust you shall return. It makes you feel pretty good to. Not the dust, the repentance. Until someone tells you there is crap on your forehead.
3) The sacrifices start right now. It doesn't happen after you get your ashes. It starts when the day begins.
I have no clue how our ashes will be given out this year but I know what my sacrifice is: I will attempt to stop cursing for lent. It is the most major sacrifice I am willing to make during the pandemic madness!
My wife is giving up Facebook. I was like, HOLY...