Holt 9-11 Hero Run Tuesday
John C. Bush of Holt and a friend decided a few years back that there needed to be an event in mid-Michigan to honor the heroes who ran towards the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 after terrorists attacked our nation. They were inspired by the story of Stephen Siller, "the firefighter (who) was on his way to a golf game on Sept. 11th 2001. He received the call to respond to the Twin Towers just as he was approaching the entrance of the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. When he got to the tunnel, he found it was closed.
Stephen donned the 60 pounds of gear he had with him and ran to the burning towers. He made it to the scene, but never made it home, leaving his five young children without a father.
The Holt 9-11 Hero Run is not about a single courageous act, it's about not becoming complacent with the pain and fear that all of us felt on 9-11.
You can be a part of honoring those heroes like Siller, who answer that call every moment of every day. Maybe you want to run or walk the 5K (3.1 miles). Maybe you want to donate. Maybe you show up to cheer race participants and immerse yourself in the patriotic spirit in the air. Your presence would be appreciated.
The evening's events will begin at 5:15 PM at the corner of Holt & Aurelius Roads, in front of the 9/11 Memorial, with a brief remembrance of the attacks on our nation.
The Holt 9-11 Hero Run starts 6:30 PM Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
Photos courtesy of Dane Robison, TimeFramePhoto.com
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