How Becoming An Aunt Changes You In The Best Ways
I realize many of you have already experienced the joy of your family members bringing a little one into the world, but as I have had the pleasure of becoming an "unofficial" aunt, it is truly magical.
My boyfriend's family has welcomed me with open arms for almost five years now, and in that time, I have seen his family members grow into incredible husbands, wives and now parents!
About a year and two months ago, Jordan's brother and sister-in-law brought little William into our lives, and while I am not "technically" his aunt, they jumped right in calling me "Aunt Maitlynn."
Now that I have more time and have been spending more extended time at their home, I get to hang out with little "Willbur" and I never thought it would change me the way it has.
While we were opening our Christmas presents, we all cheered as loud as we could after each gift was unwrapped just to get that little guy to laugh. And when he did, my heart made like the Grinch and grew three sizes each time.
Endless smiles and that feeling you get when he falls asleep in your lap or takes his little unbalanced steps straight to you is such an incredible feeling.
As someone who at the moment is not sure I ever want children of my own, getting to be there as William makes new discoveries, grows and gives me chances to make him laugh I can honestly say "I have baby fever but in an aunt way."
So here is to all my fellow aunties out there, "official" or not, we get all the fun parts!

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