Interesting, Take A Behind The Scenes Look At Radio
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I used to wonder about what goes on behind the scenes in radio. This is a look back at the past year of being on air.
Last year I came back on the airwaves in Lansing after three years of being "on the beach". In 2019 I was released by my previous employer in town. While I was off air and working in sales I really didn't know if I wanted to get back into the industry. Long story short, radio is where I need to be. Radio is where I want to be. Read more about my process of returning last year here.
Having come from over two decades worth of working in Rock Radio, I was offered the opportunity to host mornings on WITL. I was also offered the afternoon drive slot on WMMQ. The past year has been amazing. It's been fun working with different staff and meeting all kinds of new listeners. You might be surprised at how many people like country and rock n roll. There's a lot of crossover and each listener has been amazing and unique in their own way.
My mornings start at 4:30am and I am on air til 7p on WMMQ. After we are done on air, our work continues. We write articles, we voice commercials and produce them and the list goes on. By no means am I complaining, I am expressing my gratitude for the opportunity from the man upstairs to be back on the air and doing what I love. I hope to make your listening experience fun and positive. With so much negativity in the world, I want to be the escape from that BS while playing Carrie Underwood or Led Zeppelin. The best way I can describe the past year is with pictures. Let's take a look behind the curtain or radio.
Some might wonder what we do when we are not on air. Here's a glimpse.