Kitten Yoga in Old Town Coming Up Sunday
Tomorrow morning during the 9 o'clock hour I will be speaking with Justine and Samantha from the Trendy Tabby Cat Cafe that will be opening in Old Town in June.
The Trendy Tabby Cat Cafe will be opening in June. Click here for their Facebook page. This will be a cafe where you can go pet a kitty if YOUR WIFE WON'T LET YOU HAVE ONE, SABRINA. So, you get to pet a kitty without cleaning the box.
They are raising FUN this weekend and cash with Kitten Yoga. You have heard of Goat Yoga, now cat yoga is purring Sunday, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!! Click here for the Facebook page. It's only 35 bucks to be a part of this HISTORIC opportunity. This place will be saving cats from the Capital Area Humane Society.
The Facebook page says: Join us for kitten yoga to continue raising funds for The Trendy Tabby cat cafe! About this Event: The Trendy Tabby is making great progress on their mission to open an Old Town cat cafe this Summer. Join us to support a great cause and hang out with the coolest kittens in town. This is a such a fun, quick, and easy way to support this great venture!
Doors open at 10:30, yoga starts at 11am. BYO yoga mat!
MUST be at least 8 years old and mature enough to handle kittens delicately.
Purr-chase tickets here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trendy-tabby-teams-with-old-town-marquee-for-a-kitten-yoga-fundraiser-tickets-59205012787?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&fbclid=IwAR2ClCRiYHebM9bqD-JzJypf3wN6n7bAXbjJbdVMqQDJjnCPzIF79oPkdts
I'll have more details on the Trendy Tabby Cat Cafe tomorrow.
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