Earlier this week, you were told about students at Lansing's Sexton High School sharing photos of what appeared to be multiple mold infestations in sexton's infrastructure. Now, WLNS.com, the outlet who was given the students' photos, reports that the Lansing School District has responded and states that there is no mold in Sexton's hallways and classrooms.

WLNS quotes Lansing School Board President Peter Spadafore as saying that tests on apparently contaminated tiles came back negative for mold. Superintendent Yvonne Caamal Canul tols WLNS that an environmental service hired by the district to investigate the contaminated areas did find mildew on on ceiling tile that was immediately replaced.

Parents and students have also publicly spoken of lead paint and asbestos contamination. The district denies any such contamination and writes off what they call rumors. Meanwhile, those that still believe those words feel the district is kicking the mold issue down the road with the lead and asbestos issues.

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