A woman from Lapeer, Michigan, posted this on her Facebook page this week:

Our house was vandalized sometime on Monday.

There was fear and rage and disbelief, while I wondered who could have done it and do they know me and was it religious or political or just nasty? And I cried, and cried.

The thing is- this isn’t my community. This is happening in my community, but I will not judge my community based on the worst of actions.

I went to the basement and rounded up a tarp and a paintbrush and some paint, and then I changed my mind. I decided that some random idiot was not going to make me paint my door and I wanted to answer back. (Look, usually blind optimism and this level of naivete make me a little nauseous, too.)

(To be honest, what I wanted to do was to correct the graffiti with some red spray paint, because that swastika is backwards, and you should double check your hate speech before you paint it.)

But what I really want is for people to see that this happened in our community. It happened to someone they know. And so maybe the next time they hear something in line at the grocery store they will say “no, thank you...not here, not today, not ever.”

But also, there is enough really awful hate talk in the world.
And maybe not enough Dumbledore.
Any suggestions on a quote for tomorrow?

Edited to add: We are all okay. Also, I am all calm right now but if they lay a finger on my dog I will end them.

I reached out to the woman whose home was vandalized and asked a few questions. She replied:
I grew up in Lapeer...I don't have any idea why someone would do this. I don't know if it was personal, religious, political, or just random.
This isn't like my community. My community has the Optimist Club, raising money for kids sports equipment. The Friends of the Library, Rotary, Kiwanis. The outpouring of support has been damn near overwhelming.I feel like the community has my back.

This was the sign she posted on her door in response:


Lapeer Front Door Sign


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