Love Your Summer and Free Live Music at Lake Lansing!
Summertime means getting out and enjoying the fresh air, friends and live music. The Lansing area is ready to get out and enjoy all of this and then some. Where can we go see live, outdoor music in Lansing?
Lake Lansing Bandshell is back this summer with their Sounds of Summer Concert Series. The Lake Lansing Bandshell is celebrating 21 years of bringing free, live music to the residents of mid Michigan. The season begins the Friday evening after Memorial Day and runs through the Friday before Labor Day weekend.
The concert series has a bit of something for everyone. The series features all kinds of different genres of music. You'll see and hear perfomers doing folk, classic rock, dance, barbershop singers, oldies, funk and more. There's even a Neil Diamond tribute band called Frog King and Friends that is really good.
When you're sitting around on Friday night thinking about what to do, consider heading out to Lake Lansing Park South at 1621 Pike St, Haslett, MI 48840. Our family is guilty of saying "there's nothing to do" and thanfully Friday nights will give us another fun option to get out and have some laughs and smiles.
Nothing gets better than free!!!! The show is free. Parking is free at the park. Bring some money for concessions and the 50/50 raffle that they do every Friday, who knows you might go home with more money in your pocket.
I have had the privelage of emceeing a couple of these nights over the past 2 years and I was impressed with the turnout. What really made me smile were the different age groups smiling, laughing and dancing. No matter the genre, music and especially live music brings people together to commonground. Check out the lineup for the 2023 Sounds of Summer Concert Series at Lake Lansing and make plans to attend. Meet new people, dance your butt off and spend a couple of hours enjoying yourself for once.