Michigan Is One of the Cloudiest States! Where Do We Rank?
If you live in Michigan, you know that we have beautiful seasons. Spring and summer are awesome as the Earth comes back to life, fall and winter have their own unique charm.
I associate spring and summer with lots of sunshine, warm temps and being on the beach at Lake Michigan. Fall and winter are always cloudy with a slim chance for sun. As it turns out, Michigan is one of the cloudiest states in America according to Farmer's Almanac.
I am guilty about complaining about the lack of sun in the winter. I always want more. I crave vitamin D. Healthwise, I need the sun to help me with my multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D is key for me, because we don't get a lot of sun, I take vitamin D supplements to make up for it.
I am not alone, there are many folks in Michigan that fight MS, seasonal depression and other health issues that are affected by the lack of sunshine.
Seasonal depression is common, do you battle against seasonal depression? Seasonal depression is also known as Season Affective Disorder. Here's some info about seasonal affective disorder, according to the Cleveland Clinic:
Seasonal depression, also called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), is a type of depression. It’s triggered by the change of seasons and most commonly begins in late fall. Symptoms include feelings of sadness, lack of energy, loss of interest in usual activities, oversleeping and weight gain. Treatments include light therapy, talk therapy and antidepressants. This seasonal depression gets worse in the late fall or early winter before ending in the sunnier days of spring.
Sunshine seems to be the juice that everyone craves. If you battle SAD perhaps moving somewhere with less season change and more sunshine would be a good thing to do for your mental and physical health.
If you don't like the clouds in general, you're outta luck. Michigan ranks in the top 10 cloudiest states in the U.S. Do what YOU need to do for YOU. If that means visiting Michigan during the spring and summer, then so be it.
Farmer's Almanac put this list together and I am not suprised.
Top 10 Cloudiest States in America
10. Connecticut - depending on where you live you might get 82-99 fully sunny days.
9. Montana - you might get 70-75 cloudless days.
8. Ohio - again, depending where you are located, you may have anywhere from 63-77 fully sunny days.
7. Michigan - the Great Lakes play a major factor with our lack of sun. No matter where you are in Michigan, you can expect 65-75 clear days per year. Yeah, it sucks.
6. West Virginia - the Allegheny Mountains play into the weather patterns. Residents are lucky to see 60-65 days of sunshine.
5. Oregon - for the most part you are looking at 50-75 days of sunshine, the further east you move in Oregon, the more sun you will get.
4. New York - the Great Lakes play a factor in New York too. Buffalo might see 52-54 clear days per year.
3. Alaska - Juneau averages 44 days of full sun per year. Fairbanks can see 60-70 days of sunshine.
2. Vermont - you're looking at about 58 days of sun in Vermont.
1. Washington - Olympia gets 52 days of sun while cities like Seattle gets 71 days and Yakima gets 109 days. It really depends on where you are located.
As you can see, it could be worse in Michigan. If you struggle with season change and the lack of sunshine, Michigan might be a great state to visit in the summer.
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