Michigan High School Sports Tournaments Officially Suspended
The Michigan High School Athletic Association made the announcement Thursday afternoon that all winter sports postseason tournaments and championships are immediately and indefinitely suspended due to the concerns surrounding the novel Coronavirus COVID-19.
This means that Ice Hockey, Girls Gymnastics, and Boys Swimming and Diving Finals that were scheduled for this weekend will not be taking place. The Girls Basketball tournament was set to enter the Regional Finals round Thursday, while the Boys Basketball District Finals were scheduled for Friday. Both basketball tournaments are suspended until further notice.
As for spring sports that are set to begin practice and competition in the coming days, the association is leaving the decisions whether to practice, compete, or not to local school administrators. Parents and student athletes of Spring Sports should contact their local athletic directors for updates and decisions.
MHSAA Executive Director Mark Uyl posted a video explaining the decision and the process that led to the suspension of tournaments. Here is what Uyl had to say: