Mulliken Will Rock with ‘Homespun’ Saturday to Fight Bullying
This is a benefit for victims of bullying. We want to help bring awareness to the issue of bullying that is happening in our schools. We want to help be a voice for these children and their parents. We are raising money for music scholarships. The music scholarships will go to 1 or more victims of bullying depending on the amount of money we raise. We believe that we can help build a child's self esteem and confidence by giving them a music scholarship. We will add to our list of instructors chosen as we pick them. The number of schools and instructors to be gifted will also depend on the amount of money we raise. So please share this event, join the event and last but not least attend. This will be a great time, for a great cause and you will see a great band!
More details to follow. Help a victim of bullying gain their confidence and self esteem back. What better way than thru music! We need to"Band together!"
5.00 cover
8.00 per couple
21 and over after 9 pm.
Bring your own alcohol
Band plays from 8pm to midnight
We will have door prizes
Silent auction
Our first instructor chosen:
A scholarship for guitar lessons with Doug Fritch from Music Manor will be provided for a victim of bullying.
2nd instructor:
Melissa Sigh of Sigh School Of Music
3rd instructor
Kathy Ford Vocal coach