Now You Must Look for Work to Get Unemployment in Michigan
You see the signs everywhere, now Hiring, and yet people are not applying for the multitude of jobs available right now in Michigan, and across the U.S.
Many employers are speculating that because unemployment does not require you to look for work right now, and the extra $300 coming from Federal Covid money to your unemployment check, many make more money on unemployment than if they were working. It’s understandable and makes sense they are not looking.
MLive reports
There were 700,000 Michiganders claiming unemployment for the week of April 17, all while employers complain of a widespread worker shortage. Some groups have called for Michigan to stop accepting all federal unemployment benefits, including the extra $300 per week.
But now the the state of Michigan will start requiring all people collecting unemployment insurance to start looking for work and reporting their activity every week by the end of May.
So for some, the free ride may be over. Because if you don’t report at least one “work search activity” each week, you could lose your benefits. That could be you applying for jobs online or in person, or attending a job fair or workshops. You will be required to report how you applied for the job and contact information for the employer.
There are so many jobs available right now, people should have no issues finding a job if they really tried. McDonalds locations all over town are advertising $13 an hour for crew members, the ride share companies Uber and Lyft are having problems finding drivers, and they pay at the end of every workday. There are even some businesses that want to open but they don’t have enough staff, or they are opening with a limited number of workers.
Things are improving, the orders are slowly being lifted, life is slowly returning to normal. Once everyone is back to work life should be getting back to pre-covid normals again. And that would be a welcome news.
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