QD Holt Fans Get Official Response About Re-Open Date!
As we reported last week, the marquee at the Holt location of the Quality Dairy store located in Holt, read "SEE YOU AGAIN SOON!" Like many in the community, I wanted to know the definition of "soon." Well, we now have one.
This, from Quality Dairy President Ken Martin:
“We know many Holt residents miss their favorite products and the friendly faces of Quality Dairy. We don’t yet have a timeline for when our Holt location will reopen, but we have every intention of remaining part of this community for years to come. In fact, when we’ve worked everything out with the landlord and the insurance company, we’ll be happy to cut the ribbon on a newly remodeled store, featuring a fresh look for QD. In the meantime, your QD staples are just a few miles away: visit us in Mason (173 W. Maple) and at the corner of Jolly and Dunckel. Thank you for all your support, and we’ll be sure to update you when we have more information.”
With that, I will remain hopeful for a speedy open to my local QD and look forward to my favorite jelly bismarck's, long John's, milk and black cherry ice cream!