As much as we love our road salt here in Michigan (eye roll), it too is limited by the cold. Road salt (Sodium chloride) starts losing its effectiveness at about the 15 degree mark. It gradually declines as the temperatures go down.

With air temperatures reaching a brisk -2 degrees on Wednesday for Lansing area, and wind chill factors going from - 30 to -50 in parts of the State, driving should be seen as an absolute necessity. A State of Emergency as well as local law enforcement asking people to stay off of the roads, you may want to reconsider any travel.

Many cases of slide off's, black ice and accidents have already been reported sue to weather. If you must go out, please use extreme caution. Keep your lights on and allow yourself extra space to slow down and extra time to get to your destination.

Dude Ranch Media
Dude Ranch Media

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