May is older Americans month, and the state of Michigan is urging older folks to watch what they drink in the way of adult beverages.

ABC12 reports

According to the press release issued by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, “Michiganders may react differently to alcohol as they get older than they did in their younger years as aging actually lowers the body’s tolerance for alcohol,” said Hertel. “Many medicines — prescription, over-the-counter or even herbal remedies — can be dangerous or even deadly when mixed with alcohol. Please check with your health care provider about if you can safely consume alcohol if you are taking medications.”

As we age, our body slows down which causes the alcohol to stay in our system for a longer period of time. Because of our age we feel the effects quicker, which can cause accidents like falls and car crashes. Light to moderate consumption of adult beverages is ok for healthy adults over 65 that take no medications. The American Diabetes Association says one drink or less for women per day, and two drinks or less for men per day is acceptable. reports

"Baby boomers are enjoying alcohol well into their senior years and we urge them to do so responsibly, just as we remind our children and grandkids," said Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) Chair Pat Gagliardi. "Michigan's seniors are a fast growing and treasured segment of our society and we know that nationally, problematic alcohol consumption can happen among older people." Michigan has the 14th highest percentage of residents aged 65 and older out of all 50 states, according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2019 statistics. That is, 17.5 percent of Michigan's population is 65 years old or older, with 29.1 residents aged 65 and older for every 100 working-age residents (16-64 years old).

They recommend that those of us who choose to drink with the blessing of our physician and are aware of risks, are urged to stay within limits to prevent any serious interactions.

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I used to enjoy whiskey, but as I’ve aged I found my body did not react well to such a strong liquor anymore. I still enjoy adult beverages, nowadays it’s more likely to be a Seltzer (5% alcohol) or an occasional glass of red wine. (12-15% alcohol)

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