I have know Darin Larner Sr. for well over 10 years now. I work with his brother. I am Facebook friends with his son, Darin Larner Jr. just like I am with him.

A few years back, Hidden Agenda played gigs for WMMQ at the Brown Bag Lunch. Darin Sr. is a retired Lansing Police Officer and is always playing charity gigs to help people out. So, I wanted to help him promote his Hidden Agenda album. Funny thing is, this started because of something his son posted on Facebook that struck me.

This is not just about music. This is true about mankind, especially that last line. I really wanted to help promote his music and he spoke to me with that post.

Darin Larner Sr. and Jr. made an album together. Can you imagine making an album with your dad?

You can find Hidden Agenda on Facebook by clicking here.

Find Darin Sr. Here. 

Find Darin Jr. Here and darinlarnerjr.com

Get you digital downloads here: https://hiddenagenda.hearnow.com/


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