Why Burning a Couch in East Lansing is a Really Bad IdeaWhy Burning a Couch in East Lansing is a Really Bad IdeaUnless you like handcuffs, fines, jail, and expulsions. You might want to avoid that mob at a certain apartment complex too. LargeLarge
Local Couch Mocks Students a Week Before Welcome WeekLocal Couch Mocks Students a Week Before Welcome WeekIt's just daring the students to get together and burn itJoey PantsJoey Pants
10 Tips For Dealing With Severe Sunburn10 Tips For Dealing With Severe SunburnMany of us may have gotten a little too much sun kicking off the summer this past weekend so we should get an early start in some remedies.Maitlynn MossolleMaitlynn Mossolle
Michigan Man Finds $43K in Used Couch, Returns ItMichigan Man Finds $43K in Used Couch, Returns It"I'm a born again Christian, and what would Jesus do? Jesus would give it back to the rightful owner."PatPat