Major Freeway Closed in Grand Rapids Starting This WeekendMajor Freeway Closed in Grand Rapids Starting This WeekendThis is normally the time of year that road construction projects are wrapping up and the orange construction barrels are put into storage until next spring.Scott WintersScott Winters
I-96 To Close Overnights In Ionia County Through The WeekendI-96 To Close Overnights In Ionia County Through The WeekendBeginning Wednesday night, Eastbound and Westbound I-96 will be closed starting at 11:00 PM.Nick ChaseNick Chase
Lansing's Worst Road Will Finally Be Resurfaced Next WeekLansing's Worst Road Will Finally Be Resurfaced Next WeekSoon, your teeth won't rattle out while driving down Mount Hope Avenue, between Aurelius Road and US-127.Nick ChaseNick Chase