Lansing is the home to the Michigan State Capitol, General Motors and the Lansing Lugnuts. Lansing is also home to some of the worst roads in mid Michigan.

Road construction in Michigan, especially here in the Lansing area, is a non stop task that never seems to be completed. Common sense says that construction is necessary to maintain our roads in Lansing, but isn't there a better way? Over the past couple of years mid Michigan worked around the bridge rebuild that was done on Okemos Road. Traffic patterns were disrupted for what seemed like eternity and Dobie Road became the main route for those that normally traveled Okemos Road. With the additional traffic on Dobie the past two years, when will they have to repave Dobie?

I used to live in Lansing and moved to Meridian Township 5 years ago. The routes I used to travel I no longer travel due to my new location. Occassionally I'll find myself on the south or westsides of Lansing, knowing where the issues are, are a big help for my planning. Thank you for the feedback about the worst roads in Lansing. Knowing where the worst roads are will help me plan my travel accordingly in the Lansing area.

Worst Roads In Lansing According To You

Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Miller Road

Dan Mathews via WITLFB -

Miller between pleasant Grove and Waverly

Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Larch / Cedar St. Bridge

Lola Anderson-Dickerson via WITLFB:

Larch Bridge over the Old Motor Wheel
It’s like hitting speed bumps at 40 mph.
Molly E. Berger via WITLFB:
The bridge on N. Cedar going south into Lansing, just north of Old Town. The bumps/seams feel like speed bumps!
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Saginaw in Frandor

Betsey Karnes via WITLFB:

Saginaw both directions in Frandor!
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

American Road

Janet Bradley Jean via WITLFB:

American Rd
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Pleasant Grove

Daniel Fenn via WITLFB:

Pleasant grove between mt hope and Holmes ! Especially last year when mlk had construction and the detour was on that road
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Mount Hope & Penn

Cristina Lynn via WITLFB:
Mount Hope and Pennsylvania
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

MLK Between Bishop and Miller

Mary Clair Schwartz via WITLFB:
MLK between bishop and Miller where they’re only doing construction on the bridge and not doing anything for the road itself.
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Baker Street

Vickie Cook via WITLFB:
Baker st
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

Trappers Cove Trail

Kirk Baird via WITLFB:
Trappers cove trail
Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

All Of The Roads In Lansing

This was the top answer when asked what roads are the worst in Lansing.
Leo Reynolds via WITLFB:

The one you're driving on

Diane Best via WITLFB:

The one I’m driving down at the time

Sharon Larsen via WITLFB:

All of them
Honestly, roads will never be satisfactory for us anywhere. It gives us something to whine about. If you want to save some money on repairs for your vehicle avoid these roads in Lansing.

50 of Michigan's "Must-Drive" Roads

Gas up the car, grab those road munchies and a roadtrip partner that you can trust, and head out on some of Michigan's most unique roads and routes. Make sure you take lots of photos and video!

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