Lake Lansing, it's the largest body of water within 30 miles of Lansing. Lake Lansing is a fun place to go cool off when it's hot outside and it's also a fun place to do some ice fishing in the winter. How big is Lake Lansing?

Google Maps/Canva
Google Maps/Canva

I grew up on Lake Michigan and grew up living the "water" life. I was at the beach every day to take a dip. I also used to sail on Lake Michigan, jump my bike off the pier (yeah, that's not a good idea and it's illegal) and skip rocks like it was my job. The sunsets were pretty cool too.


When I moved to Lansing in 1996 I asked about any good bodies of water in the Lansing area and the overwhelming response was "Lake Lansing". Having grown up on a Great Lake I had a hard time stomaching that "the lake" in Lansing was Lake Lansing. I was spoiled growing up on Lake Michigan. Beggers can't be choosers so I went and had some fun at Lake Lansing and continue to visit often.

How Big is Lake Lansing?

Lake Lansing is a part of Ingham County Parks. Since it is a county park there is a small entrance fee to access the lake. Our family buys the season pass that will get you into any Ingham County Park.

Lake Lansing is a good size lake and it's deeper than I originally thought. How deep is it? Can you scuba dive on Lake Lansing?

According to Ingham County Parks, Lake Lansing covers some area:

Lake Lansing is 1.2 miles long and 1 mile wide with a maximum depth of 34 feet. The 30 acre-site includes a sandy beach bordered by four acres of lush green grass.

I definitely thought that the depth of Lake Lansing reached a depth of 20 feet. It surpasses that and it covers 30 acres. There are fish in the lake and you can also go sailing on Lake Lansing too. Check out the deepest inland lakes in Michigan and how you can go sailing on Lake Lansing.

Deepest Inland Lakes in Michigan

Sailing on Lake Lansing

I've never been scuba diving and I don't know that I would try it for my first time on Lake Lansing but you can do it if you want. According to Ingham County Parks:

Scuba diving at Lake Lansing South is allowed as long as you access the lake from a boat.

There are plenty of things to do on Lake Lansing, head out and try some new things like sailing or scuba diving. Have fun this summer!

Lake Lansing's Spiritualist Camp, 1882-1890s