Wanted Fugitive Found Within The Walls of Michigan Home
How dedicated to fleeing do you have to not only be on the run for the past three(ish) years but then to spend your days hiding places like within the walls of someone's home? That's commitment, that's desperation, that's too wild for words.
Apparently, according to MLive, Willie Wright was charged and sentenced to upwards of 20 years in prison back in 2017 after stealing from Detroit-area businesses.
Well, Willie wasn't about to wither away within the prison walls, so he fled and in 2018 Wright was one of "Detroit's Most Wanted."
Eventually he was picked up in Indiana but MLive says he was released due to an administrative error and had been "in the wind" ever since.
Well, Willie WAS in the wind until recently when someone tipped off Marshals that he made his way back to Detroit where police saw him enter the home of one of his family members.
MLive, citing WXYZ Detroit, reports the home was searched not once, not twice but THREE times and that third search was where a deputy found a "suspicious wall" which was the one that Wright had been hiding behind
While the wandering misadventures of Willie Wright have come to a close, there really is a lot to take away from this.
One of the most important lessons being, you can't hide from the law forever. The second, though, if your family isn't the type to let you hide as a wanted criminal in their walls, you might want to re-evaluate your relationships!