Webberville Jeep Take Over is Happening Sunday
Last year, I was driving to town to grab some milk and the road was shut down. Grand River in Webberville shut down for what? When I got closer, all I could see was Jeeps everywhere. There were about 40 by my count at the time and people EVERYWHERE!
I hadn't seen that many people on at the stop light in a long time. This Sunday 11am-3pm, they are expecting even more! Click here to see the Facebook event page.
If you don't trust the internet and Facebook... I get it :)
The page says this: The Jeeps take over the whole town of Webberville! From stock to wild, we will have everything! No matter the model. If it's a Jeep your in. The local restaurants will be open, and selling Jeepers some great food! We will have off-road vendors, and welcome other types of cool vendors, that fit with the Jeep lifestyle! Last year we had over 80 Jeeps hoping to double that this year. There will be giveaways of some cool stuff, and of course great time for everyone. This is open to all Jeepers and hoping to see all the LAJC family there too!
Vendors or interested in givingaway a prize contact me at josh@zstechs.com
Sponsored by: Webberville Downtown Development Authority, Williamston Chamber of Commerce, Z-Solutions IT Support and Consulting, Capitol City DJs, Jeepend, Steer Smart, and Ken's Kar Kare. More to follow!
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