What Was Your Greatest Lansing Concert Experience?
I always talk about it like it was yesterday. September of 1985. Motley Crue and W.A.S.P. at the Lansing Civic Center. I begged my mom to let me go but alas, I was 11 years old. Even though an older friend had promised top take me, my mom said no. I was crushed for the entire summer. I didn't even know a single WASP song. I heard the show was bad ace.
I remember a late friend once told me he saw Ram Jam play the Civic Center and they played their hit "Black Betty" twice. Once during the set and one in the encore. I had NEVER heard of a band doing that before.
My best Lansing concert was Stone Temple Pilots at Common Ground. Also, Whitesnake at Common Ground is like 1A. The Pilots show was after they reunited. Te music was a bit slow but just hearing those songs brought back a flood of memories. Whitesnake just kicked ass. I wasn't expecting them to come out like that and jam.
U2 at Spartan Stadium. Poison at the Breslin Center. Rush playing their first gig in America at the Northside Drive In back in 1970. What was your favorite show?
Lansing could really use a new venue. I bet it would be a goldmine. Say a Casino with a concert venue? Ahh, what do I know.