Yooper Dad Live Tweets His Stepson’s Sneaking A Girl Out Of The House
A guy in the Upper Peninsula live-tweeted the saga of his 18-year-old stepson trying to sneak a girl past his mom and out of the house on Saturday after a one-night stand. And it took until after 2:30 P.M. before he could finally get the girl out.
This is perfect stepparent behavior right here . . . instead of busting your stepkid for breaking the rules, just broadcast it to the world instead.
There's a guy in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan, and on Saturday, he live-tweeted a major saga going down at his house. (Warning! There's profanity in some of his updates.)
Eventually, after NOON, the girl successfully snuck downstairs to use the bathroom . . . and about an hour later, the stepson finally headed down to grab the shoes.
Then finally, just before 2:30 P.M., the mom went into the bedroom to relax and the kid was able to sneak the girl out of the side door.