Last week, my buddy Darrell Wiles dropped off a gift for me in the WMMQ studio. He put said gift in a Victoria's Secret bag. So naturally, Duran Martinez wanted to see what I got.

From the Blurry Pants Stash
From the Blurry Pants Stash

Darrell's daughter Holly is a senior in the MSU band and she was in Minnesota for the Final 4. A few years ago, we sent Darrell and his family off to Indy for the Big 10 Tournament. Darrell never forgot and always hooks me up with some goodies.

This was his daughter Holly's final year in the band and final road trip. She has become a friend and REALLY hooked me up. She sent her dad a picture of 2 hats and he said get 'em both! He thought I would love the green. She thought I would love the black. They were both right... but she was a little more right than he was :)


Thanks to Darrell, Sara, Josh and Holly for treating me like family and representing the Spartan brand like CHAMPIONS while they were there.

Now, here is me modeling the hat in my new 3 dollar Golden Girls shirt.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor

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