25 Things You Can Still Do This Summer in Michigan
There are some things you won't be able to do this summer, like see a concert. There are still many things you CAN DO. Seriously... Get out and live while you can.
#1. Rock in America. Just not at a concert with other humans.
#2. Take in the great Michigan campfire. Make it trippy with some Mystical Fire.
#3. Attempt to hit all the Great Lakes in one day. The Great Slam.
#4-20. Go buy a bag of marijuana legally from a dispensary.
#5. Go golf one of the many great courses in our area.
#6. Wake board, paddle board, canoe or kayak around Lansing with a rental from River Town Adventures.
#7. Find out why a 2 person kayak is called a breakup boat. If you don't break up, check out the sunrise or sunset from one of our many beautiful beaches.
#8. Listen to the best looking morning show in Lansing. Looks matter more than ever on the radio.
#9. Check out one of the many lighthouses in Michigan... One may be haunted. See if you can find a garage sale on the way and pose with the most random item you find.
#10. Toilet paper your friend who needs toilet paper. Just go watch them roll it up the next day in shame. You can find it in some stores now!
#11. Take a Stairway to Hell instead of Heaven, right here in Michigan.
#12. Enjoy some of the best ice cream on the planet.
#13. Get your pizza delivered and tip the driver as much as the pizza.
#14. Take the family to the drive-in movie theater. See if you can sneak someone in. (DON'T)
#15. Check out one of the many great disc golf courses around Lansing. I played one year and got a hole-in-one. Been playing golf about 30 and still don't have one.
#16. Take a selfie with Jack Daniels at the Howell Meijer in the booze section. (This was before COVID_19.
#17. Go check out the Portrait of a Dreamer sculpture and see if they broke it again.
#18. Go get a selfie at a pay phone... Remember 1-800-COLLECT?
#19. Honor the hard work and dedication of #19 Steve Yzerman.
#20. Honor the hard work and sacrifice of #20 Barry Sanders, to a lesser extent Billy Sims.
#21. Check out the craftsmanship that went into an old farm barn. Many are falling down and won't be there much longer. They truly don't build em like they used to.
#22. Go and find Bigfoot!
#23. Simulate a sex act with a copper figure at the Construction Worker Tribute at the rest area in Clare.
#24. Go drunk tubing down the river... Socially distanced of course. No face coverings though... It'll slow your drinkin'.
#25. Attend a Zoom or Teams meeting that goes on too long with people interrupting each other.